Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Flips and Roses

I had to show off the pretty roses Lee brought home for my birthday. 2 dozen for my 24th. Isn't he a sweetie?

We had another in the world of first for Little Bit. Yesterday we were playing and I was rolling her from belly to back. After 4 or so times, I rolled her on her belly and looked at my inbox on the computer. When I looked back at her, she was on her back!

She did it three more times by herself before I ran and got my camera. Of course, she didn't do it again that day. :( But I was prepared today and caught her on camera.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Greased Up and Ready to Go

Does life get much better than a massage right after a bath?

It can invigorate... can relax...

...and in the end, you're refreshed and ready to go!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

One Month Old Today!

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Mom's Last Minute Visit

This is what we do to babies who insist on crying.
Turn them over our knees and jostle their little bellies until...

...they enter a trance of contentment.
Who knew the floor was so interesting?!

Of course, Little Bit should be the most interesting thing in the room,
and she usually is.

Posing for the camera seems to run in the family. :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So I'm learning what every parent knows. When your kid first smiles AT you (because of gas or a reflex), it's sweet and warms your heart. But when your child first smiles BECAUSE of you (or something you did), it's overwhelming and you get so excited, yell out loud, pump your fist in the air, and jump up and down, then try to get them to do it again. Ok, so maybe that's just how I reacted, but my point it that it's awesome and exciting.

Gas/Reflex Smile:

I was playing around trying to get her to burp and giving her kisses. Then I saw that each time I came close to her face, she would crack a smile. This video only gets a little portion of it, but it was so fun!

Real Smiles!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sleepy Head Genes

It seems that Little Bit has inheirted her father's genes of being slow to wake up. To clarify, I was not waking her up, she was rutching around waking up all by herself till I came over. This is her normal wake up as pitiful as that may be.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Saturday had beautiful weather so we took Elizabeth out for a walk. She lasted all of 2 minutes before falling asleep. This is after we'd been trying to put her down for a nap for 2 hours beforehand. :)

Later that evening, she was wide awake and bumming in front of the TV with her dad.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Sink Baby

Elizabeth's first bath in a sink. I think she likes it. :)