Friday, July 31, 2009

Baby Gamer

Starting your children early on the important things in life is our focus today...

Lizzy confused the old Super Nintendo with the Wii Fit. But she is doing a lovely downward dog yoga pose.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blue Shirts

Amazingly enough, the blue shirted family day was not planned, yet somehow 6 separate groups showed up wearing the same color. Very odd, but wonderful for pictures!

Grandma and Lizzy had lots of fun bouncing, as shown here.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Because Matching is Cool

Both cousins were into the camera, but one in particular was wonderfully goofy. See it here.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Little Miss Millet

She's so happy she can feed herself. I'm loving it because I can eat my own food while she goes to town on hers.

See it here

and here.

Friday, July 24, 2009

G.I. Joe's with Dad

No one ever laid down the ground rules that GI Joes are just for boys, so Lizzy and Lee played away.

Elizabeth caused mayhem and chaos for one poor GI. This shot reminds me a miniature Godzilla going in for the kill. (That's a nice motherly thought, isn't it?)

Our next task is to teach Lizzy that you don't hit a man when he's down.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cars are Great Teething Toys

We went down to Georgia and her grandmother let her behind the wheel of her new car.

This is Elizabeth's patented three-point hold on the steering wheel (for extra safety).

This pictures just goes to show that nobody likes a back seat driver, especially one with claws.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This is what makes it worth it!

No matter how grumpy, sleepy, tired, ill, or stressed I am, this ALWAYS cheers me up. It's moments like these that make life fun.

Laughter, Part 1

Laughter, Part 2

More Cousinly Love


There's definitely a love/terror element involved with her older cousins. She loves being with them, watching them, and having them play with her, but she knows when her limits and boundaries have been violated (according to her) and speaks up about them!

To see a little more love in action, follow this link:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cloth Diapering

So here are a few of my thoughts on the cloth diapers I've used so far and the ones I want to try.

My Current Stash:
Bum Genius 2.0 One Size Seconds, Pocket Diapers
My favorite at night and on long car rides. These contain the messes best for my chunky thighed little girl. I don't love stuffing them though, and am contemplating trying the organic one size bum geniuses that you don't need to stuff. The other downside is that the velcro taps seem to tub her belly a little raw. But I like the ease and fit of velcro much better than the

Kushies One Size, AIO (All in One)
These are the ones from Wal-Mart. They are pretty awful at containing anything. However, I still find myself reaching for them if I know I'm going to be staying at home for a while. I like that they are all cotton and that they require no stuffing. But they tend to leech wetness because of the way they fit at the belly.

Mommy's Touch, One Size, AIO
I love that these are all in ones, but they tend to compression leak after a while on. I also don't like the snaps at the waist. That's just a personal perference though. I think velcro gives a better fit at the waist and is much easier to put on in the dark (at night). I still have Ducky on the small size and the part that tucks in at the waist tends to flip itself out. That can spread wetness if she pees too much. But I love that they are AIO's.

My emergency, I forgot to do the wash, diapers. I like these for air travel when I want to pack lighter. I used 2 of these with 3 liners (and lots of paper liners) for a 5 day trip. They were fantastic. Still I don't like that I have to throw something away.

What I would like to try still:
Happy Heiney's
The one-size velcro version looks comfy and like it would hold well. I'm tempted, but haven't found one cheap enough yet ($8-10).

This one is very appealing because it similar to gDiapers. The only thing I don't like about the gDiapers is that you throw away the inner lining. This is the link to their site:

The natural baby company has also just released a new laudry soap I'm interested to try. It's called tiny bubbles ( they claim it's about $0.22/load. I think the homemade stuff is cheaper, but I'm not sure by how much and if it will be as effective.