I must say, I'm enjoying life with Lee! Just getting to see him EVERY day is a wonderful change from the past six years of living five states away. :)
I love the city we are living in as well. There are bike paths galore (although none that extend to my school). Instead of biking on highways with exit and entrance ramps, I zip through a woodsy scene which restores one's calmness in this busy place. I can easily bike to one of five surrounding grocery stores, almost each of which is diverse enough to warrant the trip (the cheap standard, the international, and the organic and healthy).
Our house is slowly being set up, mainly because I'm easily distracted, especially by the books; whenever I try to put some away or organize them I alway end up sucked into reading one for an hour or so.
The library is a very quick bike trip away. Actually there was one day that Lee and I were both at the library, him with the car, me with my bike. Leaving at the same time, I managed to beat the car home by a minute and thirty-one seconds! Had he gotten all the lights just right he would have beat me, but I'm still pretty proud of that! :)
The church group around here is great. There are a lot of teens and young adults and they actually get together for activities often! We've attempted to see Pirates of the Caribbean, gone out to dinner, grilled out at a friend's house in Georgetown, had a friday night dinner at another friend's. This past weekend, six of us who headed up to the Greenwood campout, and this next weekend we are hoping to get together for dinner and then go white water rafting on Sunday. All of that is just in the past month I've been here. Whoo-hoo! :)
So basically I love living here, enjoy the people here, and absolutely love being married to Lee. :)

"The morning is the gate of the day, and it should be well guarded with prayer. It is one end of the thread on which the day's actions are strung, and should be well knotted with devotion." Charles Spurgeon
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