Friday, March 21, 2014

Why People Sign Prenuptials

Nye: Will you pretend dinner dance with me?

Lizzy: Only if you get married to me.

N: I don't want to.

L:  Then I won't go.

N:  But then I'll be all alone.

L:  Then get married to me.

N:  Ok.

L:  Will you give me all your love?

N:  Yes.

L:  Will you give me all your mercy?

N:  Yes.

L:  Will you give me all your peaceness?

N:  Yes.

L:  Will you give me all your house?

N:  No!

L:  But you have to.

N:  ::whining:: But then I'll be all alone and I won't have a house.

L:  But I won't go to the dinner dance with you.

N:  Okay.....I guess I'll give you all my house.

L:  Ok.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

John, and Mama B, and I LAUGHED. Granted, I had already seen this and laughed... but the absurdity and... well... truth of it all, amused me!