Saturday, May 9, 2020

My Dear Cordelia

On the eve of mother's day, I had my own King Lear moment.  5-year-old Sammy and I were proclaiming our love for each other.

Sammy:  I love you.
Me: I love you more.
Sammy: I love you most.
Me: I love you most plus one.

That startled her into silent awe and big, happy eyes for a moment before she grasped the concept and continued.

Sammy: I love you most plus ten.
Me: I love you most plus 100.
Sammy, halting: I love you most plus 10 million!
Me: I love you most plus infinity!

Short pause to explain infinity.  Again, she was awed, then bested me easily.

Sammy:  I love you more than I love my money.
Me:  Awww!  I love you more than my money too.

Sweet, snuggly silence before she clarified. 

Sammy:  I said that because I don't really get to use my money, so it doesn't mean a lot to me.

Then she snuggled in tight and giggled to let me know she really meant that as the utmost profession of love.

Little Stinker!

Two hours later, again Sammy and I were snuggled closely on the couch playing Mahjong together.  We were playing some hard levels and losing, then finally caught an easy game.

Sammy:  I love you more than that Mahjong game.
Me:  Which one, the hard or easy one?
Sammy:  Umm....I loved the easy one a little bit more than the hard one.  And I love you a little bit more than the easy game. 

She held up her fingers to show me the less than 1-centimeter gap and repeated, I love you a little, little bit more.

Then, once more, she giggled and snuggled in close so I understood that was high praise....I think.

😂  Oh my dear Cordelia, certainly you lack "that glib and oily art, To speak and purpose not"!

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